Monday 12/16/29 Medicinal Plant Session

Day 9 Costa Rica

Sign at the Greenhouse Entrance
Today we had the privilege of getting a medicinal plant tour with Armando and Celestino in the greenhouse. Juan, a Phd student from Costa Rica was a big help in translating from Spanish to English. Armando spoke to Celestino in Ngobe tribal language and then Celestino restated it to Juan in Spanish. It was amazing to see these three work together in order to be able to teach us about the medicinal plants and their uses.

Armando and Celestino
Armando and Celestino took us on quite the medicinal plant tour. It was amazing watching Armando as he walked through the greenhouse. I learned so much within a short amount of time. I had to record the entire session because there was no way I was going to be able to remember everything that was said. This experience was probably one of my favorites because Armando was so eager to share his knowledge. My favorite plant I learned about was for asthma. This plant was spiky on the stem and would be crushed and added to water then consumed. I can be used for emergencies or for treatment. I wish we had more time with Armando and all of the Indigenous Peoples. They had so much to share and were open and willing to teach us. Their presence is warm and welcoming. I am thankful for them being apart of this program.


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